Monday, February 28, 2005


Are You Nuts

Hell yes I am and that's why I wanna be sedated. I guess if I could dig a hole, climb in and re-emerge in April like a new born flower, that might do the job. Anyone who has lost a child knows just what I'm talking about, sometimes the pain is unbearable. And the pain that I'm feeling right now, because March is beating down the door, is too much to bear at times. Why March, because Zachary Logan Proctor was born on March 7th 1978, no pain there, just pure joy, but because Zachary Logan Proctor departed this world on March 31st, 2003. Yo Zach, being sedated doesn't really ease the pain does it, it just leads to more pain. I swear I thought it was supposed to get easier, didn't you? I'm looking for a sign man, come on down, or over, or wherever it is you spend your time these days and whisper your sweet nothings in my brain, I need some relief and you know you are the only ONE that can give it to me. I know you can do it, you've done it before, via BaT BoY, the DRummonds, the BRIan wIlSON concert and more, so Mr. Zach I'm waiting.

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